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Markers Used by the



Nuclear Plants will fire any employee who walks into the plant with an uncertified pen. This is why many nuclear facilities make exclusive usage of the Mighty Marker® High Purity line of marking pens for all their marking needs even on exotic metals.

Laboratory certified low chloride, low halogens, and low corrosives; These marking pens contain high-purity inks for safely marking nuclear pipes, vessels, stainless steel, and titanium. Welding operations, automotive plants, and aircraft industries can also benefit from them. The ink and paint has been certified by an outside laboratory and will not contaminate or adversely affect the surfaces being marked.

These markers include certification paper-work, lab-report paper-work, local-law compliant labeling for shipment and storage, SDS sheets corresponding to the particular batch, and certificates of compliance with the specs requested.

 Inks and paints meet or exceed the requirements of:

• GE#D50TF8-S7 “Nuclear Grade”

• NuclearPlant # TEC 10000028213

• Pratt & Whitney # PWA 36700

• Rolls Royce # EMA 56752

• Chicago Bridge & Iron

• Westinghouse APP-GW-Z0-602

• Various other aerospace and nuclear grade specifications

Surfaces Marked Upon for This Industry
Contact us to discuss your specific marking needs.
© 2021 Arro-Mark® Company L.L.C.